Sunday 10 January 2016

Here comes the chew chew train!

The importance of chewing our food!

I bet that at least once in your life you have been told to chew your food more thoroughly. Most of us would scoff at that statement!
When something is known to benefit somebody, it becomes a lot easier to follow certain advices, until then, forget it!

So why should I bother chewing my food more?

Simply put, in our saliva we have these enzymes named Amalayse and Lipase. Amalayse helps to pre digest our carbohydrates/starches and Lipase helps to predigest our Fats!

When we take a bit more time to chew our food so that our saliva gets mixed with the broken down food, it takes a huge burden off of the rest of the passage of digestion.

Sorry for repetitive statements but,

“ The stomach really does have no teeth! “

So it is beneficial for our bodies so as not to give it so much extra work to do.

“ Yeh so what’s in it for me? “

When there is less stress for your body to digest all your food,
You may experience the following,

·      More energy and vitality
·      Less bloating after meals or in between
·      Minimized chances of heartburn/indigestion/reflux
·      A healthier evacuation
·      More serotonin to the brain. Chewing more activates the (hormonal system/endocrine) and stimulates (neurotransmitters/feel good hormones!)
·      A stronger jaw and jawline. Seriously, after your first day of chewing your food more, you may notice muscle soreness in your jaw. Temporary of course.

When a person transitions to a healthier food list, they may experience poorer digestion than before they transitioned! This is because healthy food is much tougher to break down!
In vegetables we have cellulose, which is a very tough fibre, Grains contain phytates and lectins as do beans and nuts, which can stop the small intestine from absorbing vital minerals such as Zinc, Calcium and Iron. (This will be covered very soon)

If you have suffered for a long time with digestive complaints, It will take time to see the benefits of chewing your food more, But you may notice a slight improvement, which should keep you trying longer.

If I have managed to convince you! Then please try for 30 days!
Taking more time than usual with your food. This is a challenge! I want feedback people! 

Chewing more can also be used as a mindfulness technique as well! Thich nhat hanh did an experiment with a Raisin. Here is a link to this for anyone interested, from (West Virginia University)

Please leave a comment to share with others on your progress for motivation!
Thanks! : ) 

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